Stereograph collection. ca. 1860-1920.


Stereograph collection. ca. 1860-1920.

The Stereograph Collection provides a potpourri of approximately 2300 images depicting places, people and events throughout the world from circa 1860 to 1920. Stereographs related to New York State, consisting of approximately 800 images, comprise the bulk of this collection. All regions of the state are represented but places with the most extensive coverage are Albany, New York City, Niagara Falls, and Saratoga Springs. The collection also includes numerous views from other states, territories, and regions of the United States. Some of the more significant series of images include those depicting Mormonism in Salt Lake City and the Utah territory; Native American life and culture in the west, scenery along the routes of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad lines in the west, and the U.S. Topographical and Geological Survey expedition on the Colorado River led by John Wesley Powell in 1869. The collection also has an extensive array of views of Great Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Egypt, and the Holy Land. Includes views of castles, art galleries, cathedrals, monuments, and other structures chiefly found in major cities; popular tourist resorts at beaches, along lakes, and in the mountains.

13 boxes (4.0 cubic ft.)


SNAC Resource ID: 7622533

New York State Library

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Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902 (person)